Railroad bridge drop was the first real challenge. It looked just a little bit different at 700cfs (100cfs less then the previous weekend). The hump we aim for was just a little further river right with a touch of breaking wave on the river left side of the peak that we were aiming for. Anne went down first. Paula followed .. ” I aimed for that sweet spot just river left of the hump peak. As I approached I was surprised at the stronger river right to left current just as I approached the entry to the drop. That meant I had to get moved river right at least another two feet before I went over. Stern draw and a strong paddle got me almost to the sweet spot before I went over, bow still facing just river right. I reached out on my right as far forward as I could and caught all the white I could find to anchor and and pulled hard. My kayak tried flipping to the left but withm my paddle in and me leaned over as much as I could be, I manged to bomb over the wave and keep my balance. Anne said I was sideways!”
Samson came down next as if there were nothing to it (dang, he’s a natural). Sydney and Toria followed but both got eaten by the wave with Anne and Sampson collecting the yard sale. Rick of course played all the way through.
Next stop was the ledges where we all found waves to play on. Little river wide waves to two three foot challengers kept everyone busy. Sydney was have a great time pushing her limits and getting some great rides. The last little swim she had didn’t count since she was out playing
Boulder drop was the backwards ferry through the rapids challenge that everyone made moves in. There was one gap as Paula approached that she should have dropped through backwards but went straight in stead, missing the easy ferry and eddy on river right. Still got accross but just a bit down stream.
The final drop to the take out pool was exactly like the previous week (well, maybe just a few more rocks showing).
All and all a really great run!
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